100 Questions to Ask Grandchildren

Grandfather lying on grass with grandchild laughing together

Conversations with our grandchildren are cherished moments.  The key is to ask open ended questions and equally important, listen to what their answers.  What they say will melt your heart, make you laugh and love them even more.

Here are some fun questions when you are on the phone, on a video call or just hanging out.


Questions to ask grandchildren under 5 years old

Questions for grandchildren 5 to 8 years old

Questions for older grandchildren

Reverse questions

Questions to ask grandchildren under 5 years old

1. What does it feel like when I hug you?

2. What sounds do you like?

3. How do you think animals talk to each other?

4. What animal could drive a car?

5. Do you like it when other people share with you? Why?

6. What is your favorite storybook. Tell me about the story.

7. If your stuffed animals could talk, what would they say?

8. What makes you happy?

9. If you had a pet dragon, what would you name it?

10. What would you do together with your pet dragon?

11. What do you like to draw?

12. What is your favorite colour?

13. What song do you like to sing?

14. What do you like to do at preschool?

15. Who are your friends at preschool?

16. Do you have a friend at preschool?

17. What is your favorite colour of crayon?

18. Why do you think you have to have a bath?

19. What do you like to eat?

20. What are you really good at?

Questions for grandchildren 5 to 8 years old

1. What are some of the best things about nature?

2. You’re a photographer for a day, what would you take pictures of?

3. What bugs you?

4. What do you like to do to help your family?

5. If you could make up a new holiday, what would it be?

6. What would you do if you made the rules at home?

7. You’re outside for a whole day: what would you do?

8. What makes you happy?

9. Do you ever think about renaming the colors of your crayons?

10. What book /TV character makes you laugh the most?

11. Who is your favorite superhero?

12. What’s your superhero name and what powers do you have?

13. If you could grow anything in the yard, what would it be?

14. What do you enjoy giving people?

15. What made you smile today?

16. Pretend you’re a chef. What meal would you prepare for me?

17. Where would you like to travel? How would you get there?

18. If you could ask a wild animal any question, what would you ask?

19. What is one thing you do now that you need an adult for but would like to try it on your own?

20. What makes the best fort?

21. If you made a cave in the woods, what would be inside it?

22. What makes you feel brave?

23. What made you laugh today?

24. Who is your best friend and why do you like that person?

25. If you were a teacher, what would you want to teach your students?

26. Describe a great day. What are you doing that makes it special?

27. If you could do anything right now, what would you do?

28. What makes you happy?

29. What are three things you want to do this summer?

30. How would you design a treehouse?

31. What is your favorite games?

32. Who is your favorite superhero?

33. Who is your best friend and why do you like him/her?

34. If you joined the circus, what would your circus act be?

35. What makes someone smart?

Questions for older grandchildren

1. Tell me something that made you laugh today?

2. If you could give $100 to a charity, which would you choose?

3. If you wrote a book, what would it be about?

4. If you designed clothes, what would they look like?

5. What do you like most about helping others?

6. What makes you feel thankful?

7. What makes you feel energized?

8. If you were in a play, what would your character be like?

9. What makes your friends so awesome?

10. What makes you so awesome?

11. If you had friends all over the world, how would you keep in touch?

12. If you were a teacher, what subject would you like to teach?

13. What songs do you like to dance to?

14. How do you want to change the world when you grow up?

15. If a friend asks you to keep a secret but feel uncomfortable keeping it,
what would you do?

16. If you wrote a book, what would be the title? What would it be about?

17. What was your favorite birthday cake?

18. What is the best thing about being a girl/ boy?

19. What is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?

20. Of all the things you have done it your life, what are you most of?

21. What is your favorite number?

22. What is something new you would like to learn to do?

23. What cheers you up when you are down?

24. When you grow up what do you want to change about the world?

25. How do you like to help your family?

26. If you could choose a new name for yourself, what would it be?

27. What is the coolest thing you saw someone do today?

28. What have your friends been up to lately?

29. What is the coolest vacation you have every heard of?

30. If you could share your lunch with a famous person, who would that
person be?

31. If you could create a new Crayola colour, what would it be?

32. Name one thing your family does, like a tradition, that you really like?

33. What do you like about your Mom?

34. What do like about your Dad?

35. What do you like about your siblings?

Reverse questions

Have even more fun by turning things around and ask your grandchildren about yourself. Give it a try. They will surprise you with their honesty and make you laugh.

1. What do you think makes me really happy?

2. What do we love to do together?

3. Tell me something I always say to you?

4. What do you think I was like as a child?

5. How old I am?

6. What do I do when you’re not around?

7. What I am really good at?

8. What do I let you do when mummy won’t?

9. What do I enjoy doing when I was your age?

10. Who is my best friend?

11. If we could go on a holiday anywhere, where would we go and why?

12. If I was a superhero, what would my superpower be?

13. What is my favorite meal?

14. If I was an animal, what kind would I be?

15. If you could give me a nickname, what would it be?

16. What I am scared of?

17. What makes me laugh?

18. If you planned a special day just for us, what would we do?

19. If I won a medal at the Olympics, what sport would it be for?

20. If you made a new flavour of ice cream just for me, what would it be?

Canadian Grandparents

canadiangrandparents.ca is a community of Canadian grandparents enjoying the best experience of their lives.

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